Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One year later....

Last week I celebrated my first year in Atlanta. Looking back over the past twelve months it seems like a blur at times. Now I can laugh at how horrible my movers were…I figure if you can come out on the other side with a good story anything is worth going through! My first night in Atlanta was spent on an air mattress in an empty apartment. At that point I didn’t even have the energy to care and just enjoyed laying in front of a fire and praying that I got some rest. After I got settled in we had the EPIC snow storm of 2011. For the first time in my life I was snowed in. This may sound crazy but I will take a hurricane any day...they have a path, you have time to come up with a plan, and to evacuate or not but snow just looks pretty (I mean doesn't it look amazing in that pic) but there is an underlying danger if you try to leave. Needless to say winter and I were not the best of friends. I am now better equipped to handle an actual winter with proper accessories. I have learned to layer and my scarf and coat collection has grown. I mean let’s be honest every situation really comes down to the accessories, right!
One of the best things I did upon moving was get involved in a church. I knew this is where I would meet my new community. After all I am a social creature you can’t have me in solitary for too long! I immediately joined a small group and participated in other events to meet new people. One of the strangest things to me in moving was the emotional response. I have often joked that God was putting me through emotional boot camp, to make up for all those years hiding my feelings. When I would leave small group I would sometimes cry on the way home because I missed “my people”. Then I would pep talk myself by saying what is wrong with you, get it together woman, this is where you live now and you have got to make it work! Having extra time on my hands didn’t help either…way too much time to think about anything and everything. The number one lesson that I learned from this whole experience was that I was far too dependent on myself and my relationships in Gainesville. Realizing that I need to be dependent on God through everything has changed my life. Knowing that He is always there no matter where I go has become a great comfort and confidence for me. Stepping out in trust and faith has only strengthened my relationship with God and I know that He has me in Atlanta for a reason bigger than I can even imagine.
My friends laugh when I use my tag line for 2011 “Well the older I get the less I want to put up with the drama.” Life is too short to make a big deal out of nothing or not give something that is important enough attention. Cherish the friends and family that you have in your life. If you love somebody tell them, if you miss somebody tell them, don’t assume people know how you feel if you can’t even own up to it. Granted this is a scary thing sometimes but you should let people know if they are important to you.  God has blessed me with some pretty amazing people. Ones who I can laugh, cry, and be myself with, that is what is it really all about. To surround yourself with people that you actually want to have in your life.  Every relationship is work and it’s up to each person to decide how much they want to invest. As 2011 comes to a close and I start my second year in Atlanta I have no doubts that I am in for another gloriously bumpy ride.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Commissioned as a hope mentor!

Last week I was finally commissioned as a hope mentor through my church. The process involved a lengthy application and interview. It took me half a day to fill out the application. Beyond wanting to know how I grew up and things that I have deal with in my life they asked your views on certain subjects. Not only your views but they wanted you to provide scripture to back up your beliefs. Well I know what I believe but I am not always certain of where to locate that in the Bible so thankfully I have an awesome book..."Find it Fast in the Bible" :) During the interview I was nervous but of course trying to appear oh so confident. At one point I picked up my glass of water and all my nervous energy was challenged into my left hand and the glass was shaking all the way to my mouth, needless to say no more water for the remainder of the interview! First round passed and now on to 10 weeks worth of training.

I learned so much on how to be a better mentor through this program. I also learned so much more about myself and my own issues. Throughout our lives we are shaped by our environment and much of what shapes us happens in our childhoods. Through this training I have been able to take down a few bricks of the wall that I have built over the years. We all develop certain beliefs that are false. Some examples of these are I must prove that I am right to know I am of worth, I must control my circumstances to be secure, emotions always represent truth, I do not measure up, I am inadequate, or others are to blame how I feel. Once we recognize our own false beliefs they must be replaced with God's truth. I can do all things through Christ, my value and worth are found in Christ, God has made me and accepted me, and I am chosen, righteous, holy, a saint: a new creation are just some of God's loving truths.  I find that when I let my false beliefs take over I have to repeat God's truth like a mantra. Take a few deep breaths and realize where my identity, worth, and help come from.

This week I met with my first care receiver (this is the person wanting to be mentored) and it was awesome! I truly felt God's spirit there guiding the conversation and I can't wait to be a part of her journey. Leaving our first meeting I was affirmed once again by God that this is what He wants from me. Everything that I have experienced over the past ten years has lead me to this place. To experience a moment of clarity where you realize that this is something that God actually created you for is beyond words. We are all new creations when we accept Christ into our lives and have a purpose. What a privilege to partner with God in changing peoples lives. God is in the business of changing people not me. It is only through His guidance and support that I am able to serve in this role.